Interior Design and Well-Being in Daycares

A pleasant room experience for children, through focusing on the caregivers. To achieve this, we design daycare spaces with enhanced well-being for children and caregivers in mind.

Our design approach is derived from principles that positively influence children’s sensory development. We have been inspired by science, which shows that early experiences shape the development of the brain, perception and emotions. Since many young children spend a considerable amount of time in childcare, this environment should be designed in such a way that it promotes their development.

That’s why we say: Happy caregivers make happy children.

Read more about well-being in daycares and download the guide to improving well-being in daycare centers.

Daycares impress parents with our concepts

Our customers want a daycare concept and space that particularly impresses parents.

Feedback from our customers confirms that our concepts work and that the rooms often convince parents as soon as they come in.

In addition to the design aspect for improved well-being, our designs also impress with the use of environmentally friendly materials and concepts that embrace diversity.

Let some of the following examples sink in:

A Daycare Transformed by the Science of Well-Being

EIGENWIJS LANDGRAAF. Spacious-Minds designed the entire space, and trained the caregivers in well-being (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Bringing nature and light into a daycare

ISF WATERLOO. Spacious-Minds designed the entire space (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Spacious and Playful Installations for a Daycare

ISF TERVUREN. Spacious-Minds installed Wall of Faces and Playpen (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Proof of Concept for our Installations improving Child Well-Being

RAINBOWS ANTWERP. Spacious-Minds installed Wall of Faces, Mirror Art and Interactive Play Structures (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

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