Our visual interiors are inspired by research showing that early experiences shape brain, perceptual and emotional development. Because many young children spend a significant amount of time in daycare centers, the environment should be created in a way that nurtures their development. But what about the caregivers? They need to be nurtured too, so they can be at their best for the children. In addition to designing visual interiors that create a beautiful experience for the caregivers, we offer one- or two-day caregiver trainings in well-being, to live a life of clarity, awareness and compassion.

A Daycare Transformed by the Science of Well-Being
EIGENWIJS LANDGRAAF. Spacious-Minds designed the entire space, and trained the caregivers in well-being (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Bringing nature and light into a daycare
ISF WATERLOO. Spacious-Minds designed the entire space (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Spacious and Playful Installations for a Daycare
ISF TERVUREN. Spacious-Minds installed Wall of Faces and Playpen (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more

Proof of Concept for our Installations improving Child Well-Being
RAINBOWS ANTWERP. Spacious-Minds installed Wall of Faces, Mirror Art and Interactive Play Structures (see Products for rationale behind each design product). Read more