RAINBOWS ANTWERP. Spacious-Minds installed Wall of Faces, Mirror Art and Interactive Play Structures (see Products for rationale behind each design product). This was our very first project, and we are very grateful to Rainbows for having faith in our potential! With science and research in mind, Rainbows let us study the effects of a few of our installations (for example, mirrors, play structures, and nature videos projected onto the walls) on children’s well-being.
To this end, we had caregivers and parents fill out questionnaires about their child’s well-being both before and after the installations were brought in. The Dobkins laboratory at UC San Diego analyzed the data and found increases in well-being as a result of our installations. This was great start, allowing us a “proof of concept” for our design approach, which we took to every other project since then.


For Caregivers



